God is her, she will NOT fail.
Welcome to The Godly Lady Foundation

Connect with us in our very own private and intimate network. We talk, laugh, cry, share experiences and help one another to grow and become more than just a female, but a woman of stature, a bank of wisdom.

There is no need to feel alone when you have these ladies at your fingertips. Depression shouldn't drown and finish you off. There is a lady who has gone through and beat what you are going through. Talk to the Godly ladies and you will be connected to someone, somehow, somewhere.

Have you got hold of a business opportunity that requires more skills and resources than you have at the moment? Collaborate with another lady who is an expert in that line and deliver to your client. Yes, women can work together!!

Our Latest Event
Launch Out into the Deep
Luke 5 : 1-11
As Jesus stepped into the boat of one of the fishermen, they had to trust in Him to take control of the boat and use it for His own purpose. Coming closer to them to use their boat was an opportunity for intimacy with God. Trust in God as He draws closer to you.

Jesus gave an instruction to have the boat pushed into the water from the river bank. Listen. He comes closer to speak so that you can hear Him and take his instructions. He wants to launch you into the deep, where there is an abundance of everything and a closer encounter with Him.
Toiled all night? Wait on Him. Storms in the deep? He is there with you, do not be afraid. Is it too cold in the deep? His arms will keep you warm. Rest on His promises. Lonely in the deep? Talk to Him through prayer. Abundance is in the deep. LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP!!!


Women can support each other, yes we can!
We hope to grow our interaction to more than just digital connections but also face to face. We come in different dimensions, we want to grow as women, give one another a breather and babysit for one another, and get to spend more time with our teenage daughters by taking turns to mentor them and use our gifts for the benefit of other families. There is more to life than just your inner circle….